Hennen’s Helpers

For the earnest learners

One of my priorities has always been making the work I do accessible to as many interested folks as possible. In the spirit of my wonderful friend, Jean Hennen, I have created the Hennen’s Helpers Fund to accept contributions to help spread our mission of better connecting to ourselves so that we can more deeply connect with our horses, each other, and the environment. 


Whether you’re looking to show a little appreciation for the wisdom you’ve gained from courses and our community or you’d like to pay it forward as a scholarship to someone in need, donations of any size are welcome. Funds donated to Hennen’s Helpers go directly to costs associated with hosting the Tango With Horses online community including providing quality content and select programs free of charge, as well as providing scholarships to those who would like to participate in programs but wouldn’t be able to without financial support from the community.

Jean Hennen

I cannot tell you how much it matters to have people in your life who believe in you the way Jean believed in me. I am forever grateful to her dedication and support through 25+ years of my career. She attended every clinic I ever led, from my very first job with horses, and loved to joke that she was looking forward to being able to say she knew me before I got famous.

I will always remember Jean as a beautiful example of a lifelong student and a voracious, earnest learner who always showed up ready and was willing to try something new. I hope she knows how much I learned from her as well.

Our Work in Action

“ For the past two and a half years, Andrea has been there for us, helping Panache and I build up trust from ground zero. He has gone from uncatchable to a loveable, confident companion. I have been mentored to develop the tools that we need to have a solid relationship that weaves physical and emotional assessment, intuitive bodywork, clear conscious communication and so much more. I feel supported by Andrea and she is always available when questions or challenges pop up.

The most beautiful aspect of all of this is that the horses are respected for the sentient beings that they are. They get to have a voice. They get to say “no” without fear of reprisal. That’s when the conversation really gets interesting… ”

— Mae M.


“ [I’ve learned] to explore my own being in all my capacities first to know what I bring to the conversation with my equine partner.

How to listen with all my 5 senses and resonance and trust that.

To investigate all avenues that could diminish my equine partners well-being and/ or cause particular behavior that stands in the way of a true partnership. In that way Andrea has the most holistic and all encompassing approach I know addressing all aspects of an equine's being: physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. As opposed to following a 'one size fits' program I am learning life skills and knowledge that allow me to reach the ultimate goal of true partnership with horses - or any being - in my life. This allows me to be open to opportunities, be creative and have fun throughout the entire journey. Thank you!”

— Karin D.